Nov 17, 2013

Nepal Telecom to launch a Social Networking site (

 With just the recent launch of Google's own social networking site Google+ to competer with rival facebook. for the King of social networking, Nepal Telecom has also announced to launch a Social Networking site named 'CHAUTARI.' As of today, when we tried to log into it says 'Website is under Construction'.But according to Saroj Kumar Shakya,  Nepal telecom's deputy manager at Information and Technology directorate , Chautari is currently in the phase of internal testing and will go online soon.The site is claimed to be similar to facebook and twitter.

The main reason for launching this website is the problem of Bandwidth consumed by facebook. It has been found that most of the Nepali internet user opens facebook as soon as they are online and surf other sites keeping facebook open. Due to this vary reason the facebook is consuming maximum bandwidth. Lately NTC added 3GB bandwidth but that has also been rapidly consumed by facebook due to which the internet has become very slow. Facebook has also been banned with the NTC office. Though the server of Facebook, MySpace, and twitter is in united state, the server of will be in Nepal and this will drastically reduce the bandwidth consumption.

Chautari will have every facility that is provided by the Facebook. It includes- Chatting, making friends, making groups, sharing photos and information’s etc. Apart from this there will be a added feature especially for NTC user .NTC user can send 10 free SMS daily. In the initial phase it will have the capacity of 10 lakh user and it will be increased accordingly in future. It is said that the site is in experimenting phase within the NTC employee .
Hope this new social networking site will be popular and liked by all nepali user and the bandwidth consumption will be reduced.

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