Dec 4, 2013

Herbs Found In Nepal

Golden Michelia is Rare Plant of Nepal

This is a rare plant. This tree is made of oily and color like ash. This is a beautiful vegetation looking green through the whole year. This is found in the mind Hill region of Nepal. This is also available in some parts of the Terai region at an altitude of 600-1500 meters. There are two species of this trees are available in Nepal. The flower of this tree is light yellow and golden. Its flower smells.
It spreads in a large shape and protects men, animals and birds. It height is approximately thirty meters. Good furniture can be made by using its wood. Due to this reason, the trees of Golden michelia are cut down. Oil can be prepared by using its flower which can be used for eye disease and gout.Its flower and fruits can promote energy. Its flowers and fruits can promote energy. Its bark is also used for medicines. Its cutting and export are banned. Reproduction of this plant can be made through seed and branch but the latter one is difficult and time consuming.

Spike Nard is Rare Plant of Nepal

This is a small plant will smell plant. Its root looks reddish brown. Spike is a rare plant. It is found in a scattered from in the northern high mountain areas at an altitude of 3000-5000 meters. Its flowers are reddish and white in color. Its roots can be used to produce oil that gives a sweat scent. Such oil can be used in preparing Ayuravedic medicine. Its oil is also used to prepare medicine for Cholera and heart disease. In the same way, the spike is mixed in making 'Dhup'. Its export outside the country is banned. Spike can be reproduced through seeds and roots.

Serpentina is Rare plant of Nepal

Serpentina has maximum height of one meter. It always looks green It is available in the Terai and the Hill up to the altitude of 1200 meters. It is also scattered in the Sal forest. Its stem is dry and white. Its leaves are long and wide. It produces white and red bunches of flowers during summer. Its fruit is as big as that of pea. The fruit is green at early stage and gradually becomes red and black. Its roots are used in preparing medicine for blood pressure, pain relief and getting sleep. Its export outside the country is banned. It can be reproduced through seeds and stems. 

The Himalayan Yew is Rare Plant of Nepal

The Himalayan Yew is found at an attitude of 1,700 to 3,400 meters. It is mainly found in the central and western parts of Nepal. Its leaves are very thin and like a comb. Its height is about eight meters. This is a plant of pine species. It is used to cure cancer of earlier stage. Its economic importance has increased. People destroy if for economic benefit. If it is not conserved, one of the important plants useful for medicine will be extinct soon. It can be reproduce through roots and streams. In it used in preparing Ayurvedic medicine, blood pressure etc. Its leaf is used to cure cancer. This plant can be reproduced through seeds and branches. People destroy this plant for trade because they can get more money from it. We have to protect it. 

Panch Aunle is Rare Plant of Nepal

Panch Aunle is a plant looking like a palm with five fingers. It produces flower with rosy color. It is found at an attitude of 2,300 to 3,600 meters. Its roots are energetic and used as medicine. Therefore its roots are pulled out and sold illegally. Its root can be extracted after it produces flowers. The roots of three or four years old can be taken out without any disturbances to conserve it. This is a conserved plant. 

Cordyeeps is Rare Plant of Nepal

Cordyeeps is found in the grassland covered with snow at an altitude of 6000-4200 meters. It is a fungus of gray color appeared on the body of caterpillar with a length of 5 to 8 centimeters. It is a plant of fungus group. It is reproduced through spores. A number of seeds from old cordyceps are spread in the air. These are born in their body. Their strings enter the body of caterpillars in search of food. In such a condition caterpillars moves or creeps according to its needs. As the string of fungus are spread in the body of caterpillars, they become weak. At last, the caterpillars move into the land and die. Then the fungus absorbs the nutrition form it and evolves as a codyceeps. Therefore, its body has two parts upper part is the fungus and the lower one is the insect. 
It looks like a caterpillar in winter and is found like a plant in summer after the melting of snow. It has no stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. It is used in preparing medicine for heart disease, mental disease etc. It provides energy if it is used with milk and honey. It is very costly. Therefore, it is collected and exported illegally. It should be cultivated with biological and scientific techniques. People can earn money from it. Since it is a herb only for one year, it should be collected after its maturation. Its collection, use, sale, distribution and export is banned.

Asuro (Justicia adhatoda)

This is a shrub with lance-shaped leaves 10 to 15 centimeters in length by four wide. They are oppositely arranged, smooth-edged, and borne on short petioles. When dry they are of a dull brownish-green colour. They are bitter-tasting. When a leaf is cleared with chloral hydrate and examined microscopically the oval stomata can be seen. They are surrounded by two crescent-shaped cells at right angles to the ostiole. The epidermis bears simple one- to three-celled warty hairs, and small glandular hairs. Cystoliths occur beneath the epidermis of the underside of the blade.
This shrub has a number of traditional medicinal uses.Vasicine, the active compound, has been compared to theophylline both in vitro and in vivo. Another, vasicinone, showed bronchodilatory activity in vitro but bronchoconstrictory activity in vivo. It is probably biotransformed in vivo, causing bronchoconstriction. Both the alkaloids in combination (1:1) showed pronounced bronchodilatory activity in vivo and in vitro. Vasicine also exhibited strong respiratory stimulant activity, moderate hypotensive activity and cardiac-depressant effect; vasicinone was devoid of these activities. The cardiac-depressant effect was significantly reduced when a mixture of vasicine and vasicinone was used. Vasicinone (dl-form) showed no effect on the isolated heart, but probably the l-form is a weak cardiac stimulant. Clinical trials of a commercial drug containing vasicinone and vasicinone have not revealed any side effects while treating bronchial asthma.

Chiraito (swertia angustifolia)

swertia is a genus in the gentian family containing plants sometimes referred to as the felworts. Some species bear very showy purple and blue flowers.plants of genus frasera are sometimes considered part of this genus, sometimes as a separate genus, and sometimes as synonymous.
Swertia contains the chemicals sawertiamarine, mangeferin and amarogenitine 1,5,8-trihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone, 1-hydroxy-2,3,5,7-tetramethoxyxanthone, 1-hydroxy-3,5,8-trimethoxyxanthone, 1-hydroxyl-2,3,4,6-tetramethoxyxanthone, 1-hydroxy-2,3,4,7-tetramethoxyxanthone,  1,8-dihydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyxanthone,1,7-dihydroxy-3, 8-dimethoxyxanthone, 1,3,5,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone, balanophonin, oleanolic acid, maslinic acid, and sumaresinolic acid. Swerilactones from swertia mileensis showed anti-hepatitis b virus activity in vitro.

Debdar (cedrus deodara)

Cedrus deodara  is a species of cedar native to the western nepal, occurring at 1,500–3,200 m (4,921–10,499 ft) altitude. It is a large evergreen coniferous tree reaching 40–50 m (131–164 ft) tall, exceptionally 60 m (197 ft) with a trunk up to 3 m (10 ft) in diameter. It has a conic crown with level branches and drooping branchlets. The leaves are needle-like, mostly 2.5–5 cm long, occasionally up to 7 cm long, slender (1 mm thick), borne singly on long shoots, and in dense clusters of 20-30 on short shoots; they vary from bright green to glaucous blue-green in colour. 
The use of c. Deodara in ayurvedic medicines is well recorded. The inner wood is aromatic and used to make incense. Inner wood is distilled into essential oil. As insects avoid this tree, the essential oil is used as insect repellent on the feet of horses, cattle and camels. It also has anti-fungal properties and has some potential for control of fungal deterioration of spices during storage. The outer bark and stem are astringent.
Due to its anti fungal and insect repellent properties, rooms made of deodar wood are used to store meat and food grains like oats and wheat Nepal. In  people suffering from asthma or other respiratory problems are advised to sit under a deodar tree early in the morning.
Cedar oil is often used for its aromatic properties, especially in aromatherapy. It has a characteristic woody odour which may change somewhat in the course of drying out. The crude oils are often yellowish or darker in colour. Its applications cover soap perfumes, household sprays, floor polishes and insecticides and is also used in microscope work as a clearing oil.

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