Aug 3, 2013

Anaemia boosts risk of dementia in elderly

Anemia , or low levels of red blood cells, may increase the risk of dementia in elderly people, a US study has said.

" Anemia is common in the elderly and occurs in up to 23 percent of adults aged 65 and older," Xinhua quoted study author Kristine Yaffe of the University of California San Francisco as saying.

"The condition has also been linked in studies to an increased risk of early death."

In the study, researchers examined 2,552 older adults between the ages of 70 and 79 for over 11 years.

Of those, 393 had anemia at the start of the study. At the end of the study, 445, or about 18 percent of participants, developed dementia.

The study found that people who had anemia at the start of the study had a nearly 41 percent higher risk of developing dementia than those who were not anemic.

The link remained after considering other factors, such as age, race, sex and education, according to the study published in the US journal Neurology.

Of the 393 people with anemia, 89 people (or 23 percent) developed dementia, compared to 366 of the 2,159 people (or 17 percent) who did not have anemia, the study said.

"There are several explanations for why anemia may be linked to dementia," Yaffe said.

"For example, anemia may be a marker for poor health in general, or low oxygen levels resulting from anemia may play a role in the connection. Reductions in oxygen to the brain have been shown to reduce memory and thinking abilities and may contribute to damage to neurons."

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