Apr 17, 2014

C Programs

A Program to perform multiplication of two 3x3 and 3x2 matrix.
void main()
int a[3][3], b[3][2],c[3][2],i,j,k;
printf("Enter elements for matrix A:\n");
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
for (j=0;j<3;j++)

Feb 26, 2014

Programs of C Programming

1. A Program to print "Himalaya College of Engineering" for 10 times using while loop.

void main ()

Feb 14, 2014

Virus Threat

1)Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive. If he / she has more than one, it pops out all of them!

Type :

Jan 16, 2014

How to make Disk Drive visible in Windows 8.1

How to: Windows 8.1 CD Drive, DVD Drive not visible in File Manager.

After installing Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1, the CD/DVD drive does not appear in My Computer, FileManager, Windows Explorer or in the Control Panel under devices.  CD or DVD drive is missing or not recognized by Windows or other programs.  ...and yet the CD worked during the install.

Jan 6, 2014

Fibonacci Series

Fibonacci series in c using for loop

/* Fibonacci Series c language */

Jan 5, 2014

Adding Drop Down Menu to Your Blog

Many of the bloggers  finds difficulty to manage their Navigation Menus because of  numerous labels and links. Due to which their blog looks dull and messed. Beside this the blog readers also finds difficulty to find the required labels and links.
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